Gold based crypto assets that do not lose value

About CoreCoin

CoreCoin can be exchanged for a minimum of 1 ounce (31.1g) of gold per 1000 tokens.
Gold, like platinum and silver, is a real asset, so its value will never be zero.
The international price of gold has risen over the long time.
This is a token based on gold mined from the Russian gold mine.
All evidence related to mining will be disclosed.
Published data on gold mines provide reliable data that NASDAQ listed companies are investigating and reporting.
The attraction of CoreCoin is the high rate of granting its holding bonus.
Even if you hold gold, no dividends will be paid, but CoreCoin will receive 18% token as a holding bonus for 2 years.
It is possible to increase assets rather than owning gold itself.

Digital currency synonymous with having money

CoreCoin can be exchanged for gold.
Since you can convert 1000 CoreCoin to 31.1g of gold, investors can base their risk management on gold market prices.
CoreCoin promises that 1,000 tokens can be converted into 1 oz. (31.1g) of gold.
Even if the value of tokens decreases, 1,000 tokens can still be converted into 1 oz. (31.1g) of gold.
When you compare it to the current price of gold, you can see how advantageous it is.
* Gold can only be exchanged in Hong Kong.

Acquired the ground and mining rights of the Russian gold mine

We have acquired mining rights up to 2026 over the 3.9 km2 mountain range in Russia's Eastern Siberia.
We have confirmed about 75 tons of gold reserves.

CoreCoin has acquired the right to use the ground rights of the Russian government as well as the mining rights from the government, so there is no worry that the mining plan will be interrupted in the middle.

We have acquired mining rights up to 2026 over the 3.9 km2 mountain range in Russia's Eastern Siberia.
We have confirmed about 75 tons of gold reserves.

CoreCoin has acquired the right to use the ground rights of the Russian government as well as the mining rights from the government, so there is no worry that the mining plan will be interrupted in the middle.


The listing date has been changed due to the influence of the coronavirus, and the schedule has been revised. We will re-publish the adjusted schedule.

See the white paper for details on the core value of crypto assets based on gold, CoreCoin